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Sunday, October 14, 2007

If TV can do it, so can India

As I've said before, one can decipher understand politics by following how India votes in music- based singing competitions, such as Indian Idol.

Another such competitions titled "Sa Re Ga Ma Pa" reveals much about the Indian psyche. On Saturday, October 13, the show concluded, and what a surprise-- your winner was an average small-town Hindu boy.

Amanat and Raja, two of the other contestants (who were always the judges' favorites) didn't win the competition, despite usually high votes. But, Amanat and Raja weren't the winners.

For the first time, this show opened its doors to Pakistan, the US, and many other countries. Amanat is from Pakistan, but the two other singers in the top three were both from India.

Amanat-- an amazing singer and my favorite, lost despite having the highest votes overseas. A Pakistani native, he did not get the highest votes in India. Many voters from India claimed that they wanted their winner from their own country.

It's great that the television show opened its range to include countries like Pakistan and The United Arab Emirates. It would be great if Indians did the same.