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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cheer for my Blog!

As many of you know, I started this blog for a class. As time went by, it definitely became more than a school project. This assignment challenged me-- looking for stories, writing four times a week, and finding my own voice was difficult, but exactly what I needed.

I was surprised about how much material there is for me to write about. In the beginning, it was hard to find a focus. I initially believed that a blog about how Bollywood is flourishing around the world would provide me with the most material. Obviously, that didn't work out for me. My blog soon morphed into a critique of commercial Bollywood cinema, a topic I had no problem writing about.

I have always enjoyed reading blogs-- Sepia Mutiny, Think Progress, and even some of our class blogs like Laugh Tracker. But, I always admired these bloggers' capability of having that witty sort of style. I never thought I had it (and I don't), but I was able to maintain this blog somewhat, while trying to be factual and frank about my opinions.

I definitely enjoyed writing this blog, and I will without a doubt continue to do so. It keeps me on my toes, and keeps me Bollywood-updated. What more could I want from life?

Some of my friends did read my blog-- although I only know of a few (CB and VM!) who kept up with it. I really thank them for that.

Overall-- it was a great experience, and it definitely hasn't ended!